Showing posts with label Town Hall 8. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Town Hall 8. Show all posts

Saturday, March 14, 2015

TH8 Farming Base - The Golden Planet

Hey there clashers and happy Ultimate Pi Day! A while ago when I was still TH8 there was this one base I always saw people from the forums using, so today as I was searching through TH8 bases to post today I came across that base once again. This is a farming base mainly intended to protect all loot. Without further ado I give you:

The Golden Planet
I found it from Bourbon on the forums and he gave credit for making it to Adow from "Unity Champions" and credit for posting it on clashofclansbuilder to eliteplayer7.

- Centralized Clan Castle.
- All storages easily protected and spread out.
- Wiz Towers triangulated.
- Air Defenses triangulated.
- Mortars squared.
- Barb King in the core.
- DE in the core.

- Not symmetrical, although it depends on personal preference.
- It's hog-able, but so are most TH8 bases.

Defense logs:

That's all for today, if you use this base or have in the past please comment and let us know how it worked for you. If you liked this make sure to check out our other posts such as other bases and attack strategies. Until next time, CJ.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

TH8 War Base

Hey there clashers, some of you may know me from the CoC forums or from chatting with me in the game and you may know me as susi0308. I'm a bit new to posting about clash so excuse any mistakes  I may make. Anyways, today I'm showing you what could possibly be one of the most effective war bases for mid TH8's.

Credit goes to Jason5267 of the Supercell forums.
- Air Defenses are triangulated, meaning that they are currently defending as much of the air space as possible.
- The mortars are in a square shape which allows for coverage of the entire base, although I'd suggest moving the two bottom ones closer to the wiz tower.
- Triangulated wiz towers.Cons:
- The BK (barb king) being on the border of the outside means he really can't do much. I'd suggest that since it's a war base you switch him with the DE storage.
- CC (clan castle) is easily lurable since it isn't completely in the center, although depending on what's in it you may not have to worry about that.
- Can be destroyed by hogs. Although what TH8 can't be?

Here are some war defence summaries to prove how effective this base is:

Thanks for checking this out. I hope you'll check back for more bases and posts, hopefully my next couple posts will get better than this one. Until next time, CJ.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

TH8 4 Mortar Farming Base Design - Golden Planet [Speedbuild Video]

So finally after a long search I found a perfect farming base for Town Hall level 8. This base has a really good walls and storage placement. It's called Golden Planet and has a really good defense if your defense buildings are strong or maxed out. Base is created by Adow from Unity Champions, so credits goes to him.

Pro's of this base :

  • Centralized Clan Castle
  • Protected Dark Elixir Storage
  • Triangulated Wizard Towers and Air Defenses
  • Square formation of 4 Mortars
  • Barbarian King Centralized
  • Spread out Gold and Elixir Storage's
Con's of this base :

  • Can be destroyed from Hog Riders
Check these defense log's to see how effective this base is, when you have the right defense or maxed out one.

Since it's always easier to build a base from a speed build video, i found the video for this base made by Havoc Gaming. Enjoy the video and good luck with the base. Visit us again for more guides and base designs.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Town Hall 8 Batman Base Design + Speedbuild Video

Few days ago i made a post about Batman Base for Town Hall level 7 and people really liked it so i decided to make a new post, but now for Town Hall level 8. This base is really cool because it has the shape of a bat and they call it Batman Base. Here is a screenshot of the wall placement :

Since i couldn't find a image of full base here is the speedbuild video of this base to make it easier for you to build the Batman Base. Leave a comment below if you want Batman Base designs for other Town Halls.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Town Hall 8 Ultimate Clan War Base Design - Defense Proof

Hey fellow clashers. I'm back again with a new base design for Town Hall level 8 for clan war that I've been testing in these last 2 weeks on my own account (my in-game name is KeyLogger and i'm level 73). The reason that pushed me to share this base design with you it's that the last war it defended some really heavy attacks more precisely it defended 2 from 3 attacks.

This base is a modification of a base called Tempest but since the Halloween Update most of these bases were outdated because of the 4-th mortar added in-game. So i modified this base and fitted a 4-th mortar perfectly on the design.

Here is the base design made with Clash of Clans Builder :

Here are the pros and cons of this base :

Pros :

  • Air Defense are centered.
  • The third layer around the top of Town Hall is fill with spring traps so giants will fly away like leafs.
  • Clan Castle is centered which makes it difficult to lure out clan troops.
Cons :

  • Two of the Air Defenses are to close each other.
  • Vulnerable to groups of Wizards.

Now here are some screenshot of the defenses that this awesome base made during the last was. It got attacked 3 times with Giants lvl 6, Wizards lvl 6, Hogs & many more troops but it managed to make 2 defenses and get defeated only once 62%.

2/3 Attacks Defended

First Attack - 43% Defended

Second Attack - 28% Defended

Third Attack - 66% Defeated

If you like this base or you have any suggestion then leave a comment below. Visit us again for more base designs and if you have or know any good base then send it to us and we will share it here.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

TH8 4 Mortar Farming Base Design - Splash Fire Park

Since the Hallowen Update which occured in 22/10/2014 and had many features and improvment's, there was a addition which was like a big suprise SuperCell added 4th Mortar available to buy at Town Hall level 8. This of course made all the base designs for Town Hall level 8 and above get outdated.

Here i'm going to show a farming base for Town Hall level 8 called Splash Fire Park. Reason why it's called like that it's becasue of the placment of the 4 Mortars which cover almost every corner of the base and create a big Splash Fire in certain areas of the base.

This base have 4 Mortar which create a square defense formation and every corner is protected by 2 Mortars, i think you can imagine what 2 Mortars do when they shoot the same time, massacre.
Second thing about this base is that Gold and Elixir Storages are divided in 3 sections making it difficult to achieve to steal all the loot from Town Hall level 9 and below. Side storage sections are protected by a layer of walls which keep Archers and Wizards away from snipping the loot.

Here is the speed build video of Splash Fire Park base design :

If you try this base please leave a reply below and tell us if it's effective or not. If you have any suggestion that please comment below. Come back for more guides and base designs. Clash On