Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Clash Of Clan Attack War. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Clash Of Clan Attack War. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Gowiwi Troop Composition TH9 - Clash Of Clan Attack Strategy

GOWIWI Troop Composition TH9 - Clash Of Clan Attack Strategy.

Gowiwi Troop Composition TH9 - Clash Of Clan Attack Strategy.
In this attack strategy you will use the mighty GoWiWi attack strategy! This attack is great for pushing or for war attacks.

Characterization: The key of this attack strategy are the multitude of tanks represented by the golems and the Skeletons spawned by the witches.

The GoWiWi attack strategy is mainly used by high level players, however, it started to be used by smaller ones too. The name of this army comes from the 3 main troops which form this trio, the Golem, the Wizard and the Witch. Even if the army consists mainly on these three troops, it also has other troops in smaller numbers to help achieve the best results.

Things to consider!
- Never attack Th10s with both infernos set to multi-target! They will totally burn your troops so only attack them if you are really confident in your GoWiWi skills.

gowiwi troop composition th9

Army composition:

TH8 can attack with GoWiWi if they get 2 witches in their CC, but those are usually not enough for a great attack. At this TH level, you aim for 3 stars and it is hard to achieve that with the 2 witches attack, therefore I will not provide any army composition for TH8.

TH9:Gowiwi Troop Composition TH9 - Clash Of Clan Attack Strategy
- 2 golems (level 4)
- 3 witches (level 2)
- 6-8 Wall breakers (level 5)
- 4-6 archers (level 6)
- 19 wizards (level 5)
- 6 balloons (level 6)
- CC: 1 Golem (preferably level 5)
- 1 Jump Spell, 2 Rage Spells, 1 Healing Spell
TOTAL: 220 troops in camps + 30 troops in CC

TH10:Gowiwi Troop Composition TH9 - Clash Of Clan Attack Strategy
- 3 golems (level 5)
- 4 witches (level 2)
- 6 Wall breakers (level 6)
- 8 archers (level 7)
- 18 wizards (level 6)
- 2 giants/hogs
- CC: 2 witches + 2 wizards + 3 archers
- 1 Jump Spell, 2 Rage Spells, 2 Freeze Spells
TOTAL: 240 troops in camps + 35 troops in CC

Let's attack!

1. The first thing you need to take care of when you attack with GoWiWi are the defender's Clan Castle troops. During a farming attack with GoWiWi there are less chances to find something dangerous or compromising for your attack; during a war attack there are all the chances to find a dragon or witches in the defender's clan castle, however, dealing with them prior to the main attack is not a MUST but sometimes can save an attack.

If you chose to drag the CC troops, then dealing with them in this attack strategy is much easier than in the GoWiPe attack. After you dragged the troops out of the base, you can deploy 1 archer, 2 witches 1/2 wizards and they will be more than enough to deal with the CC troops. If the defender has a dragon and you dragged it outside the base, then you will have to do the same as in the GoWiPe attack, to surround it with wizards.

CASE A: You are able to lure the CC troops using one or two Giants.
Gowiwi Troop Composition TH9

Having the possibility to check the radius you can set the points where you will drag the CC troops out of the defender's castle. In the example above, a simple giant can be deployed at the bottom of the base near the Archer Tower. Usually you will need 2 Giants to get the CC troops out.

CASE B: You are able to lure the CC troops, BUT using Hog Riders instead of Giants. Two or three Hogs should be enough.
Gowiwi Troop Composition TH9

Here you will use the same principle as in the case A, you will deploy your Hog Riders and then slowly using one archer at a time you will drag the troops in a corner. Depending if the on the case, you might need 2 or 3 hogs to drag all the troops out of the castle.

CASE C: You are UNABLE to lure the CC troops out of the base, so you will have the option to bring a Lightning Spell with you for them, but this is not a MUST in this attack as the skeletons can deal with the CC troops most of the times without the need of a Lightning Spell.
Gowiwi Troop Composition TH9

In this case you are unable to drag the troops out of the castle, not without using around 6 hog riders which will use too much of your army and might ruin the entire attack. In this situation, during a GoWiWi attack, you can skip the part of bringing any giants/hog riders and just go into the attack, since such bases usually hold wizards which are not such a trouble for the mass of skeletons.

2. After you finished with the CC troops (either dealing with them or ignoring them), it's time to deploy the army. In the GoWiWi attack strategy, you do this by deciding a line which you want to start your attack from. After you decided your line of attack, you will drop 1 golem in each end of the line and one golem in the middle of it, followed by a large line of wizards in behind and 2 Wall breakers for each Golem. After you did this, you will deploy all your witches, the cc troops, the heroes behind the golem in the middle!

3. Right now you should have your troops in the first compartment of the base. After your troops entered the in the first compartment of the base it is time for you to drop your Jump Spell to connect your troops to the central area where the Town Hall is. Unlike the GoWiPe attack, here you will wait a little more to drop your first rage spell.

4. Once you reached this step, you should already have your troops in the central compartment of the base. Now is the time to drop your first rage spell and your healing spell. If you followed all these steps, you should by the end of this step already have reached the second star of the attack! For Th10s, usually the attack stops here because the chances of 3 stars are very rare. The next step is for Th9s ONLY!

5. As a TH9, in the army compositions provided you should also have some balloons left to deploy. You will deploy these after all the air defences were destroyed. The Balloons will be deployed against the defences which are hiding far away from the central compartment and represent a danger for the 3 star attack. You need to watch the video provided at the next step to see exactly how this is done. (I chose not to include any image for this step because it is easier to understand by looking at an attack.

I will not explain the whole attack; if you want an explanation for all the steps, check the chapter before this. This video is for the only purpose of showing the need of balloons in the GoWiWi attacks and how they make the difference between a 2 star and a 3 star attack!

1. The first two balloons were deployed on the top right corner against the Wizard Tower. (Minute 01:14)
2. Another balloon is deployed against the cannon which is outside the base, on the left side. (Minute 01:21)
3. Two balloons are deployed against the two cannons which are 1 outside the base, and one inside, on the bottom side. (Minute 01:23)
4. The last balloon is deployed on the bottom-left side against the last cannon. (Minute 01:25)

Congratulations! You achieved TOTAL DAMAGE!
Note: There was no certainty that without the balloons, the attack would've still been a 3 star.

NOTE: As a th9 you should usually aim for 3 stars using this attack! As a th10, the chances of getting 3 stars are mostly impossible so your attack will stop about the time of 50-60% overall damage.

This is all the information for the GoWiWi attack! Thanks for reading! 
Photo Credits to the forums of Supercell & http://clashofclansbuilder.com/

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Tips to Create a Successful Clan

Hey Clashers, I'm sure we've seen the Quantum's Web, King's Rock, Mega Empire and all the other famous clans that are the top of the pack. And I'm sure we have all aspired to join them at some point or other. We, probably, all created a clan at one point, gave it an awesome, a killer description, before abandoning it for lack of members. I'm here to inform you that, that is no longer needed! I am here to tell you, or at least lead (get the pun) you in the right direction for creating a long-lasting, successful clan.
First of all, why do you want to start the clan? Are you in it for satisfying feeling that you get for "ruling" other people? If so, STOP NOW. Don't waste your gold. This is one of the biggest failures I see when I look through the Global Chat. So many people want to people to join a clan that the creator has no interest in leading, and they're doing it for the little fame that get in making the clan. 

If you're interested in creating a successful clan read on, and have every intention of being a mature leader, then please, continue. 

Things you Should NOT Do

  1. Under no circumstances should you over free elder or co-leader for you clan to someone you just recruited. You don't want a clan full of power-hungry, unloyal people. 
  2. Don't get too frustrated by people leaving and joining your clan. Relax, take a step back and then continue to recruit. If someone leaves, that's fine. Don't give up.
  3. Do not patronize people. They're just people that you don't know, and have no effect on you whatsoever in life.
  4. Finally, don't spam on Global to get people to join your clan. As a leader, you want to show that you're strong, mature, and a good leader. By spamming you show that you are just a needy five year old who demands attention. 

Things you SHOULD Do
  1. Have some requirements for your clan and follow them. If you want people who are level 60+ then recruit people who are level 60 are higher. 
  2. Recruit members slowly. While I'm sure we're all eager for war, don't rush right into it without a plan. An organized leader is a successful leader. Plus, there are consequences for everything. Someone might leave during the middle of the war.
  3. Be active in the chat. I've seen clans who had a near perfect war record (winning wars) but they never communicated amongst themselves on the in-game chat. Get to know one another, build trust. Ask about their hobbies, where they live, their favorite color, their favorite game (excluding Clash of Clans) Anything you want as long as it remains within the boundaries of the Privacy Agreement. 
  4. Be helpful and supportive. Never rage at someone in the game. This will make the other player angry and upset as well and it may affect other clan-mates and them people may leave your clan. 
  5. Stand strong about your rules, but be gentle when punishing. Make sure to be an enjoyable person to be around and fun. 
  6. Be a just leader. If you have an idea but other people in your clan may not share it, ask them their opinions on the matter. If they suggest something else that others agree with more than yours, then switch to their ideas. Consult your clan before making a decision. Do not try to be a dictator or rule with an iron fist. 
  7. Finally, it is advised to have some sort of alternative mean of communication. This alternate method of communication can be used to get to know your clan outside of Clash of Clans, as well as coordinate attacks and plans for wars and other clan business. Kik is a recommended app as it is free and no personal information is given. 

The following are guidelines to keep in mind when creating a clan, not leading one like the earlier text mentioned. 

To begin with, chose a unique name. If you search the name "fire" in the search clans function you will find over a hundred clans with the name "fire". While you can change the description of your clan and the banner, you cannot change the name of the clan. Make sure you chose something you're happy with before buying it. 

Another thing to keep in mind is to chose a shield that suits your clan, make sure it also look professional. While you can go back and change this, it is best to do it now rather than have to worry about it later. SuperCell has given you a plethora of choices, feel free to take your time when picking one. 

Once you decide on a clan, make sure to pick a flag that stands out a bit. You can change the banner at any time, but it's easier to chose it now and pick one you'll stick with, then change it every 15 minutes (exaggeration.)

The Clash of Clans Official SuperCell Forums
Just simple things like choosing a good name or an awesome flag can differentiate your clan from being successful and being unsuccessful. And just for making it this far in the guide, I'll show you one of the best places to hang out in the game, is the forums. I'll be making a detailed post about this later, so stay tuned for that!

I think this about concludes the post. Stay tuned in for more amazing base designs, helpful attack strategies, successful clan tips, random information about Clash of Clans.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Town Hall 8 Ultimate Clan War Base Design - Defense Proof

Hey fellow clashers. I'm back again with a new base design for Town Hall level 8 for clan war that I've been testing in these last 2 weeks on my own account (my in-game name is KeyLogger and i'm level 73). The reason that pushed me to share this base design with you it's that the last war it defended some really heavy attacks more precisely it defended 2 from 3 attacks.

This base is a modification of a base called Tempest but since the Halloween Update most of these bases were outdated because of the 4-th mortar added in-game. So i modified this base and fitted a 4-th mortar perfectly on the design.

Here is the base design made with Clash of Clans Builder : http://goo.gl/q0xZuo

Here are the pros and cons of this base :

Pros :

  • Air Defense are centered.
  • The third layer around the top of Town Hall is fill with spring traps so giants will fly away like leafs.
  • Clan Castle is centered which makes it difficult to lure out clan troops.
Cons :

  • Two of the Air Defenses are to close each other.
  • Vulnerable to groups of Wizards.

Now here are some screenshot of the defenses that this awesome base made during the last was. It got attacked 3 times with Giants lvl 6, Wizards lvl 6, Hogs & many more troops but it managed to make 2 defenses and get defeated only once 62%.

2/3 Attacks Defended

First Attack - 43% Defended

Second Attack - 28% Defended

Third Attack - 66% Defeated

If you like this base or you have any suggestion then leave a comment below. Visit us again for more base designs and if you have or know any good base then send it to us and we will share it here.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Clash of Clans October 2014 Update 22/10/2014

Since the Halloween is comming soon and Clash of Clans has anonceed a new update with a lot of new things and features. A new game loading background, Skeleton Trap, improved Clan Setting and Search, improved Player Profile, 1 gem boost for Spell Factory, increased loot bonus in Clan Wars & Leagues and much more.

New Trap : The Skeleton Trap!

  • This trap is similiar to Clan Castle defence troops, because when attackers get in it's range a small group Skeletons get out and fight them.
  • The Skeleton Trap can be set to attack either ground or air troops.
  • Skeleton Traps become available at Town Hall 8 and can be upgraded to deloy more Skeltons at once.

Limited special treats during Halloween Weekend!

  • You can boost you Spell Factory for 1-gem!
  • Obstacles will be filled with Halloween Headstones and will give you special elixir bonus when you remove them.

Clan search and profile improvments!

  • Specify your Clan's war frequency and locatio in the Clan profile
  • Every Clan has a own unique #hashtag and can be found easier by it.
  • Search Clans by war frequency, location, member count and clan points.
Higher loot bonus for Clan Wars and Leagues.

  • Now you get higher loot bonus for Clan Wars and Leagues.
Boost improvments.

  • Boost all buildings which are the same type with one button.
  • During maintenance breaks Barracks, Spell Factory and Hero which are being boosted will be paused untill the break finishes and then countinue.
  • Reduced boost for Gold Mine and Elixir Pumps.
Other features and improvments.

  • A new Mortar is available to buy at Town Hall 8
  • Player profile now shows all troops and their levels of the player.
  • Army Camp troops are now visible to visitors when the tap info screen.
  • Removing time for obstacles is now lower.
  • More space for loot bonus on all Clan Castle levels.

This it right now, please leave a comment below if you want to ask anything and stay tuned beacause soon i will release full update list and features along with images.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Clan wars attack & defense strategies - ALL IN ONE TOPIC

Introduce: In these recent days, especially after the new update (unlurable heroes, new Valkyrie, new Jump spell), I saw many topics such as: Valkyrie attack strategy, GoVaPe attack, GoVaWi attack, and blah blah lol. Finally, I decided to summary many of them in one topic. Here are popular attack strategies which I've collected: GoWiWiPe, GoWiWi, GoWiPe, Hog Riders, Dragons and Balloons, Valkyrie, Giant.

Okay, let's go details ^^

Balavion/Balavian (Lava Hound & Loonian):
- Detail topic: Lava hound 3-STAR attack strategy
- Playlist: Lava Hound attack strategy - Clash of clans
- Sample clip:

- Detail topic: Gowiwipe - The new 6 stars attack strategy in Clan Wars
- Playlist: Gowiwipe attack strategy
- Sample clip:

- Detail topic: GoWiWi attack strategy topic
- Playlist: GoWiWi attack strategy 
- Sample clip:

Hog Raider:
- Detail topic: Hog Raider attack strategy after update
- Playlist: Hog rider attack strategy
- Sample clip:
- Hog rider attack strategy for town hall 9:

- Detail topic: Valkyrie attack strategy: combo of Valkyrie, Witch, Hog Raider, Healer & Jump spell
- Sample clip:

- Playlist: GoWiPe attack strategy
- Sample clip:

Dragons, Balloons, Minions:
- PlaylistLoons - Dragons - Minions attack strategy
- Sample clip:
- Dragon attack strategy for town hall 9:

Cheap troops: Giant, barbarian, archer, ...
- PlaylistCheap troops: Giant, barbarian, archer attack strategy
- Sample clip:

- Full topicUltimate base designs
- Sample clip:


My Page: https://www.facebook.com/PlayCoCWithVodka

Thanks for reading. Have a nice day ^^.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Clash of clans Christmas 2014 Update - Update 11/12

After a long wait the Christmas update is finally here!

the Biggest update for me is the long overdue level 12 collectors, not to mention the also long overdue layout editor!

Here is a list of everything included:

Layout Editor
✔ Save multiple layouts for both your home Village and your War Base!
✔ Switch between layouts easily at any time
✔ Make copies of existing layouts or build new layouts from scratch
✔ Edit inactive layouts at any time - you can even take a break and finish later!

New goodies
✔ Level 12 Gold Mines and Elixir Collectors at Town Hall 8!
✔ Level 7 Giants are stomping into Town Hall 10
✔ Compare your clan to others in clan local leaderboards!

Other improvements
✔ Under attack? You can now watch a live replay while waiting to load your Village!
✔ Hero ability icons now show remaining hitpoints and will start flashing when low - use their ability to recover some HP!
✔ Resume boost button now shows how much time is remaining for the boost
✔ Improved level display for troops/heroes/spells
✔ Pending join requests are now limited to 10 per clan to prevent spamming (additional join requests cannot be sent)

Economy balancing
✔ Upgrading Walls with Elixir is now available only when upgrading to Wall level 9 and higher
✔ The first Dark Elixir Drill is now available at Town Hall 7
✔ The second Dark Elixir Drill is now available at Town Hall 8
✔ Dark Elixir Drill maximum capacity has been increased on all levels
Combat balancing
✔ Archer Towers now shoot twice as fast to better take down weak hordes (total damage remains unchanged)
✔ Inferno Towers now shoot for a longer time before getting depleted (loading cost remains the same)
✔ Army camps have heavily decreased hitpoints - no more stubborn campfires!
✔ Cannons, Barracks, Laboratory, Spell Factory and Dark Elixir Drills have higher HP on almost all levels
✔ Hitpoint values have been adjusted slightly for many other buildings
✔ Lava Pup HP has been slightly decreased

Unfortunately for me all of my builders are busy for the next 4 days :(

Merry Clashing!


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Clash of clans base designs for town hall 10, town hall 9, town hall 8, town hall 7 after update in 2014

  • Centralize Clan Castle: hard for luring troops out
  • Centralize King/Queen: no Hog Raider please )
  • Infernos distance: attacker can't freeze 2 infernos with just 1 freeze spell
  • Anti Dragons: air defenses & air mine seeking nearby the town hall
  • Anti Gowipe: almost of landing troops will go around because many layers of walls
  • Resources: well-protected for dark/gold storages
  • Hidden tesla: sudden tesla will navigate attackers, they will make around trip for attacking this tesla.
  • Traps: put inside, anti imod/xmod tool (some im0d gamers detect our traps and try to destroy it before real attack)


Town hall 10 Farming Bases:

Town hall 10 War Bases:

Town hall 9 Farming Bases:

Town hall 9 trophy base:

 1. The WDM Th9 Anti-Hog Hybrid:

2. Citadel layout:

3. Kamikazes Baconmaker - Anti Hog:

4. CC Harder to lure:

Th8 farming bases:

Town hall 8 trophy/war base:

Town hall 7 farming base designs: