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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Clash Of Clans Attack Direction. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Tips to Create a Successful Clan

Hey Clashers, I'm sure we've seen the Quantum's Web, King's Rock, Mega Empire and all the other famous clans that are the top of the pack. And I'm sure we have all aspired to join them at some point or other. We, probably, all created a clan at one point, gave it an awesome, a killer description, before abandoning it for lack of members. I'm here to inform you that, that is no longer needed! I am here to tell you, or at least lead (get the pun) you in the right direction for creating a long-lasting, successful clan.
First of all, why do you want to start the clan? Are you in it for satisfying feeling that you get for "ruling" other people? If so, STOP NOW. Don't waste your gold. This is one of the biggest failures I see when I look through the Global Chat. So many people want to people to join a clan that the creator has no interest in leading, and they're doing it for the little fame that get in making the clan. 

If you're interested in creating a successful clan read on, and have every intention of being a mature leader, then please, continue. 

Things you Should NOT Do

  1. Under no circumstances should you over free elder or co-leader for you clan to someone you just recruited. You don't want a clan full of power-hungry, unloyal people. 
  2. Don't get too frustrated by people leaving and joining your clan. Relax, take a step back and then continue to recruit. If someone leaves, that's fine. Don't give up.
  3. Do not patronize people. They're just people that you don't know, and have no effect on you whatsoever in life.
  4. Finally, don't spam on Global to get people to join your clan. As a leader, you want to show that you're strong, mature, and a good leader. By spamming you show that you are just a needy five year old who demands attention. 

Things you SHOULD Do
  1. Have some requirements for your clan and follow them. If you want people who are level 60+ then recruit people who are level 60 are higher. 
  2. Recruit members slowly. While I'm sure we're all eager for war, don't rush right into it without a plan. An organized leader is a successful leader. Plus, there are consequences for everything. Someone might leave during the middle of the war.
  3. Be active in the chat. I've seen clans who had a near perfect war record (winning wars) but they never communicated amongst themselves on the in-game chat. Get to know one another, build trust. Ask about their hobbies, where they live, their favorite color, their favorite game (excluding Clash of Clans) Anything you want as long as it remains within the boundaries of the Privacy Agreement. 
  4. Be helpful and supportive. Never rage at someone in the game. This will make the other player angry and upset as well and it may affect other clan-mates and them people may leave your clan. 
  5. Stand strong about your rules, but be gentle when punishing. Make sure to be an enjoyable person to be around and fun. 
  6. Be a just leader. If you have an idea but other people in your clan may not share it, ask them their opinions on the matter. If they suggest something else that others agree with more than yours, then switch to their ideas. Consult your clan before making a decision. Do not try to be a dictator or rule with an iron fist. 
  7. Finally, it is advised to have some sort of alternative mean of communication. This alternate method of communication can be used to get to know your clan outside of Clash of Clans, as well as coordinate attacks and plans for wars and other clan business. Kik is a recommended app as it is free and no personal information is given. 

The following are guidelines to keep in mind when creating a clan, not leading one like the earlier text mentioned. 

To begin with, chose a unique name. If you search the name "fire" in the search clans function you will find over a hundred clans with the name "fire". While you can change the description of your clan and the banner, you cannot change the name of the clan. Make sure you chose something you're happy with before buying it. 

Another thing to keep in mind is to chose a shield that suits your clan, make sure it also look professional. While you can go back and change this, it is best to do it now rather than have to worry about it later. SuperCell has given you a plethora of choices, feel free to take your time when picking one. 

Once you decide on a clan, make sure to pick a flag that stands out a bit. You can change the banner at any time, but it's easier to chose it now and pick one you'll stick with, then change it every 15 minutes (exaggeration.)

The Clash of Clans Official SuperCell Forums
Just simple things like choosing a good name or an awesome flag can differentiate your clan from being successful and being unsuccessful. And just for making it this far in the guide, I'll show you one of the best places to hang out in the game, is the forums. I'll be making a detailed post about this later, so stay tuned for that!

I think this about concludes the post. Stay tuned in for more amazing base designs, helpful attack strategies, successful clan tips, random information about Clash of Clans.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Clash of Clans Tips and Strategy Defense #1

Welcome to my Clash of Clans Strategy Guide. If you're just interested in the good stuff, skip down to below. Still with me? Good stuff. I'm starting this guide so I don't need to keep writing out the same suggestions for people when they want their bases reviewed. I'll still give specific details, but now I'll be able to link them to one place. Eventually this guide will probably be on the Reddit Wiki system, once it is released. Please do not post this guide without permission (just PM me and ask) and without crediting me. 

I'll try to keep updating this guide, and I'll try to keep it not so wordy, and have images, especially in the beginner chapters. Please excuse my [lack of] MSPaint skills. If you have advice, images, comments, suggestions of your own, please feel free to comment and I'll incorporate them.

Chapter 1 Sections:
1.1 Defend your Defenses
1.1.1 Oh God! Enemies Can Spawn There Too?!
1.1.2 Holes in bases are bad, mmk?
1.2 Overlapping Defenses
1.3 Splash Damage: It's your friend!
1.3.1: Where should I place my Mortar?
1.3.2: Where should I place my Air Defense?
1.4 Don't try to stuff everything inside your walls
1.4.1 What should I keep outside my walls?

Chapter 2: Advanced Base Defense

1.1: How to Defend your Defenses
Walls are good. But walls are not the only part in a super awesome base. The #1 mistake I see new players (or not so new players) doing is placing their defenses so they can be targeted by archers spawning outside of the walls. Don't make this mistake.

The difference between 'Decent' and 'Great' has to do with the way units decide which building to attack next. It it too complicated to get into here (this 'basics' section) but I think I'll cover it later in more detail.

The buildings protecting your defenses do matter - Mines/collectors will have more HP than Barracks/Builder's Huts.

1.1.1: Oh God! Enemies Can Spawn There Too?!Not good! Unless it's your enemy! from wadely
Yes, enemies can spawn around the ring of your base. No, you can't build there to stop them. 

1.1.2: Holes in bases are bad, mmk?
When you move any building or wall (but not decorations, it shows you white lines one space larger in every direction than that building. This is showing you where enemies can spawn. Make sure you don't have any holes in your base to let them spawn inside your walls. That would be bad. I will write about how to leave intentional spawn spots in your base later, in the advanced base defense chapter. 

1.2: Overlapping Defenses
Not Good.

Another common mistake is placing all of your defenses widely spread apart to cover as many buildings as possible. Dies very easily to several giants. Or to groups of infantry, especially archers. Or to balloons. Which I guess it means it just dies to everything. This often goes along with 'Trying to stuff everything inside your walls' covered later. 

1.3: Splash Damage: It's your friend!
Mortars (and later wizard towers) are your first and last line of defense against mass infantry attacks. A mortar's damage is only limited by how many troops your enemy puts down and how well you funnel them into where you want them. A fully upgraded mortar (level 6, total cost 3,752,000 gold) will do 45 damage in one shot to the unit it targets. In the same amount of time (5 seconds) an archer tower (level 1, total cost 1,000 gold) will do 55 damage to the unit it is targeting. What does this mean? It means you need to make sure your splash damage defenses are hitting enemies in groups and are protected. How do you get them to hit enemies in groups? Put then in the middle of your base - As soon as the enemy destroy a wall and funnel through it, they will be nice and bunched up for the mortars. 

1.3.1: Where should I place my Mortar?
Somewhere very protected. Probably in the middle if your base, ideally with it's own wall around it. 

1.3.2: Where should I place my Air Defense?
In the middle of your base. Mass are attacks are rare (due to time to build), but not unheard of. A single, upgraded anti air turret is a wonderful deterrent, but it should be placed in the middle of your base. More specifically, it should be placed such that, if a mass balloon attack comes, It won't be the first, second, or third defense they kill.

1.4: Don't try to stuff everything inside your walls
Not Good.

As a counter point to 1.2: Overlapping Defenses, don't try to enclose everything within your walls. First off you will often break 1.2: Overlapping Defenses and 1.1: Defend your Defenses by trying to cover everything, but secondly it is just a waste of walls. Double thick walls are better than a massive single thick wall. 

1.4.1: What should I keep outside my walls?
Absolutely keep your builder huts, Laboratory, Barracks, and Spell Factory outside your walls. None of these matter if they get destroyed - no progress or resources are lost.

Next I would keep out Army camps, and Gold Mines and Elixir Collectors. Each of these has a consequence if they get attacked: Mines/Collectors get resources stolen (but only uncollected resources), and if an army camp dies all troops stationed in it die. Some people really like keeping Mines/Collectors inside - It depends on how often you play. If you do keep a few inside, make sure they are your highest level ones.

What does that leave? Town Hall, Defenses, Elixir Storage, Gold Storage. All of these should be inside your walls and as protected as possible. If you are at a stage in the game where you don't care about trophies, you can also kick your town hall outside the walls. You will be easy to defeat, but if you're only trying to protect your resources then the town hall takes up a lot of space.