Saturday, March 14, 2015

TH8 Farming Base - The Golden Planet

Hey there clashers and happy Ultimate Pi Day! A while ago when I was still TH8 there was this one base I always saw people from the forums using, so today as I was searching through TH8 bases to post today I came across that base once again. This is a farming base mainly intended to protect all loot. Without further ado I give you:

The Golden Planet
I found it from Bourbon on the forums and he gave credit for making it to Adow from "Unity Champions" and credit for posting it on clashofclansbuilder to eliteplayer7.

- Centralized Clan Castle.
- All storages easily protected and spread out.
- Wiz Towers triangulated.
- Air Defenses triangulated.
- Mortars squared.
- Barb King in the core.
- DE in the core.

- Not symmetrical, although it depends on personal preference.
- It's hog-able, but so are most TH8 bases.

Defense logs:

That's all for today, if you use this base or have in the past please comment and let us know how it worked for you. If you liked this make sure to check out our other posts such as other bases and attack strategies. Until next time, CJ.

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TH8 Farming Base - The Golden Planet
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