Showing posts with label Farming Base Designs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Farming Base Designs. Show all posts

Saturday, March 21, 2015

TH7 Farming base - Ring of Fire

What's up clashers and welcome to yet another epic base design. Today I bring you a TH7 farming base mainly used for protecting Dark Elixir.

Ring of Fire

- Centralized Clan Castle.
- Centralized DE storage.
- Wiz towers cover storages.
- Mortars are triangulated.
- Barb King is inside walls.
- Barb King protects DE storage.

- Top is vulnerable to wall breakers, meaning that the core can be taken down if enough units are driven through the gap.
- Gold storages are barchable.
- Vulnerable to Giant/healer composition.
- Hog-able.

That's it for now, no defense logs are available at the time but if any come up I'll upload them here. Hope you  guys enjoyed this and if you did make sure to let us know by commenting below, or if you've used it before let us know how it worked out for you. If you liked this make sure to check out our other posts, such as attacking guides and tips and tricks. Until next time, CJ.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

TH9 Farming Base

TH9 Farming Base

Hey there clashers as you may know in honor of the Ultimate Pi Day I'm doing multiple posts today. So for the third post today I'll be showing you a TH9 base that I have actually used before. It's mainly used for DE protection but works well for the rest of the resources.

Clash of Clans TH10 Farming Base 1
Designer unknown.

- Clan Castle centralized.
- DE storage  centralized.
- X-bows centralized.
- Teslas centralized- which at high levels are very powerful.
- Loot is spread out.
- Air Defenses are squared and spread out for maximum protection.
- Wiz towers are squared and spread out.
- Mortars are squared and spread out.

- Top left and top right loot can be easily taken when the first storage is taken out.

That's all for now, I couldn't get any defense logs for this one. If you liked this base or if you've used it before let us know how it worked for you or what you think of it by commenting below. If you like this make sure to check out our other posts such as attacking guides and tips and tricks. Until next time, CJ.

TH7 Farming base - The spiral sanctuary

Hey there clashers, since it's the Ultimate Pi Day I'll be doing three or four posts today, plus I forgot to do one yesterday for Friday the 13th - yeah I'm a huge math nerd. Anyways for the second post of the day I'll be posting a TH7 farming base. This base was made before the update that gave TH7's the DE drill.

The Spiral Sanctuary
Credit goes to Eldronyx of the CoC forums.

- Centralized Clan Castle.
- Mortars are triangulated.
- Storages are spread out.
- Barb King is inside walls.
- DE storage is inside walls, which I don't often see in TH7's.

- Elixir Storages are on the outer layer of walls.
- If attacked from the top left both storages could be taken out using barch or bam. Although as a TH7 you may not have to worry much about that.

Defense logs:

That's all for now, let us know what you think of this base or if you've used it before what you think of it by commenting below. If you liked this make sure to check out our other posts. Until next time, CJ.

TH8 Farming Base - The Golden Planet

Hey there clashers and happy Ultimate Pi Day! A while ago when I was still TH8 there was this one base I always saw people from the forums using, so today as I was searching through TH8 bases to post today I came across that base once again. This is a farming base mainly intended to protect all loot. Without further ado I give you:

The Golden Planet
I found it from Bourbon on the forums and he gave credit for making it to Adow from "Unity Champions" and credit for posting it on clashofclansbuilder to eliteplayer7.

- Centralized Clan Castle.
- All storages easily protected and spread out.
- Wiz Towers triangulated.
- Air Defenses triangulated.
- Mortars squared.
- Barb King in the core.
- DE in the core.

- Not symmetrical, although it depends on personal preference.
- It's hog-able, but so are most TH8 bases.

Defense logs:

That's all for today, if you use this base or have in the past please comment and let us know how it worked for you. If you liked this make sure to check out our other posts such as other bases and attack strategies. Until next time, CJ.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

TH9 Farming Base - The Engineer

TH9 Farming Base - The Engineer

Hey clashers today I bring you an interesting base I found on the forums. It's called The Engineer and it mainly focuses on protecting Dark Elixir. This base is mainly used in masters but can be modified to be used at a lower level by switching the north and south air defenses with the mortars. I'll only be showing you the masters version today though.


Wall layout:

Trap layout:

Defense layout:

Defense logs:

-All the defense logs except for one barely give up DE if any.
- CC is centralized.- The DE storage, which is the main focus, is at the heart of this base.- X-bows and teslas along with the CC are all deep in the base to protect the DE.- Mortars, air defenses, and wiz towers are all squared sometimes with a wiz tower backing up the other defenses.- Wiz towers cover storages.

- Heroes not centralized, although if you have good defenses that won't be much of a concern.
- Can't defend much of what isn't DE. So if this isn't what you're looking for I suggest looking at the Systemized Moat.
- Could have spread out storages a bit more.
- There's no double giant bombs, but that just goes with your personal preference.
- You could have the air defences a bit closer to the gold storages but then again that goes with personal preference.

Thanks for checking this out, let us know what you think of it by commenting below. If you like this make sure to check out our other posts such as attacking guides, the latest updates and more. Until next time, CJ.

Friday, February 20, 2015

TH10 Farm base (TH9 version included)

TH10 Farm base (TH9 version included)

What's up clashers! Today I bring you two bases, one for TH9 and one for TH10. They are both the same base just the TH10 one keeps the concept while moving things around in order to fit the new TH10 things. Anyways here are the bases:


-X-bows are centralized.
-Mortars are squared and centralized for most possible protection.
-Air defenses are also squared.
-Clan Castle is centralized as well as DE.
-Queen is in the center of the base.
-Loot is separated so if someone does get through your walls, they don't get much.
-Wiz towers are protected.

-Barb King is on outside layer.
-Teslas could be more centralized, although it depends on your personal preference.

Now for the TH10:

-Both heroes are centralized.
-X-bows are centralized and triangulated to allow for maximum protection while not putting them in immediate danger.
-Infernos are centralized.
-Mortars are squared.
-Air Defenses are squared.
-Once again loot is separated.

-Teslas could be more centralized or at least be more protected, but then again it's up to your personal preference.
-Wiz towers are on outer layer of walls, although they are protected by traps.

Credit for the bases goes to EEL1966 of the CoC forums. That's all for now, make sure to check out the latest sneak peeks and more, and check back regularly for new posts. Until next time, CJC.

Friday, February 13, 2015

TH9 farming base - Systemized Moat

TH9 farming base - Systemized Moat

Hey there clashers! Today I bring you another rad base, which I myself have used in the past. It's called the Systemized Moat, it has two versions (both farming).. Credit goes to AustinSS of the CoC forums.

Version 1:

Version 2:

Here are a few defense logs from the creator:

- CC (clan castle) is somewhat unlurable, unless they get past the outside walls.
- DE is hard to get to unless you have heavy hitting troops.
- Wallbreakers can only open one compartment at a time.

- Heroes not centralized.

Thanks for checking this out, more to come soon. If you use this base feel free to comment on how effective it was for you. Until next time, CJC.