Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Update and the Gem Box Disabled / Removed

I was sad to see that my favorite part of the new upgrade has been disabled and hasn't reappeared.

It was available for a few hours and those that had them and didn't remove them may still have them.

Here is one being removed:

Its annoying that something that most of us were looking forward to and something that would give people more gems without paying for them had to be disabled but all other updates and items have worked fine.

Anyway. The Gem Box is due to be re-included in the next update which is supposed to be released in April.

From Supercell:
"Good news and bad news! Good news is that we have fixed the Gem Box. Bad news is that it requires a full update (it can't be done with only a maintenance break). We were looking for a way to fix it with a maintenance break, because that way we would've been able to bring it back right away, but unfortunately it's not possible. 

The fix itself has already been developed and tested, so it'll be in the next update  Thank you for your patience, the Gem Boxes will be there soon!"

The update wasn't that great unless you're in the higher levels. On the bright side I got 6 Gems from a bush the other day. Yippeeee
Also, I have updated the layout section a bit although it is a work in progress i'm going to work on the other pages a bit more...

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The Update and the Gem Box Disabled / Removed
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