Showing posts with label Rumors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rumors. Show all posts

Monday, February 16, 2015

Town Hall level 11 coming soon ???

Since the game release there were only 2 new Town Hall's added to the game. In the beginning there was only until Town Hall level 8, then in 27.11.2012 Town Hall level 9 was introduced and after a year in 27.05.2013 Town Hall level 10 was released. It if we analyze the dates we can see that it's been two years since the last Town Hall was released. Everyone is asking will there be a new Town Hall this year ?

                   Town Hall level 9 added in 27.11.2012      Town Hall level 10 added in 27.05.2013

Will SuperCell plan to release a new Town Hall ?

From some recent facts less than 10% of all players are Town Hall level 10, the the Town Hall level 11 it's more likely to be just imagination for players. To release a new Town Hall there should definitely release a new defense building or troop and that might take time. Although the loot penalty that Town Hall level 10 players are complaining is a big problem therefor Town Hall level 11 it's just a dream right now.

Here are another version's of fan made picture's of Town Hall level 11 :

That's all there is for this topic, please visit us again for more guides and daily news. Thanks

Thursday, February 5, 2015

February 2015 Update Leaked

After the recent Barbarian and Dragon event which ended today, there is a image of so called the list of the features and things that are going to be added on the upcoming update. The leaked update is similar to the update that got leaked in December 2014. Below you can see the image with the upcoming update list :

Not there are rumors everywhere wether is this real or fake. So below we are going to make logic reasons why this might be real and why fake.

Real Leaked Update List :

  • It looks just like a normal upcoming update list
  • It has some real reasonable changes and updates
  • It was posted on Reddit like the last time
  • It has included somethings that have been rumored to be added
Fake Leaked Update List :

  • How is it possible for the SuperCell moderators that they can't keep a list secret two times in a row
  • It has somethings that don't sound so true
  • Lower wall prices which seem a bit unreal
  • In some aspects it look a bit photoshoped

What can we say about it, let's wait a few more day till the sneak peaks come out then we can prove if it's real or fake. Until then visit us again for more news and guides.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Clash of Clans Night Time

When there is a special event like Christmas SuperCell adds snow in the game, but have you ever wondered or though, how will the game look like if there would be day/night shifts ? Well here are some images that show how the game will look approximately if there would be night in game. Check these pictures below :

Personally i really like it like this. Hope SuperCell implement it soon. Visit us again for more daily clash news and guides.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

What to expect December 2014 Clash of Clans Update

So Christmas and New Year are close and as usual Clash of Clans will certainly release a new update as a gift to us for these event's. After the Halloween Update which brought us alot of new things like Skeleton Trap and 4 Mortar, my opinion is that this update will be a small one. 

December 2013 Update : 

Santa Strike Trap which when was activated, Santa appeared flying with his sled and threw presents that exploded when they hit the ground.

December 2012 Update :

In this update Xmas Tree was presented which gave players 50,000 Gold when removed. Also Multi-Target Mode was presented for Inferno Towers, PEKKA got more health etc.

So what to expect from December 2014 Update 

Few things that we might expect are :

  • Winter Theme will be added. This theme make snow fall down and covers buildings & obstacles with snow a little bit.
  • New obstacles like Xmas Tree and Gifts might be added to give us some extra resources.
  • New bomb or trap like Santa Strike.
  • New spells like in December 2012 update, Santa Surprise.

If you have any idea what might be added or what should they add please comment  below, i'll be glad to read them. Visit us again and play Clash of Clans.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

4th Mortar in Clash of Clans Update - Pros and Cons

After Clash of Clans October 2014 Update for the Halloween Weekend which occurred yesterday expect many surprises like Skeleton Traps, Clans search and interface improvments, player profile improvments and many more there was a big suprise : 4th Mortar.

Yea it's true, the 4th Mortar now it's avalibale to buy if you are Town Hall level 8 and above. Of course this brings a lot of confussion because 4 mortars are like a bit too much or will be hard to beat with Barch Strategy and for other players who farm a lot.

So here i'm going to write some pros and cons or having a 4th Mortar in Clash of Clans.

Cons of having a 4th Mortar in Clash of Clans :

  • Lower number of trophies - this is so easy to notice and to take it in consideration, good defense = attack lose. So with a 4th Mortar in game there will be harder to win of certain bases and this will cause in lower trophy among all players.
  • Every base design is outdated for Town Hall 8 and above - newest addition is going to throw in the trash can every base design for Town Hall 8 and above for some reasons. There is going to be some confusion and difficulties to adapt the 4th Mortar into base designs because this will force players to place something like Cannon, Archer Tower or even Dark Elixir drill outside of the safe walls.
  • Farming or Barching get's harder - most of the players when they need resources or try to max their base then they drop a few leagues and start farming or barching. With the 4th Mortar in game this is going to get harder because splash damage they do it's deadly for Archers and even Barbarians after a few hit's. Even though Barbarian and Archer level 7 troops was introduced in the last update the 4th Mortar looks like a revenge to them.

Pros of having a 4th Mortar in Clash of Clans :

  • Better base defense - of course the new Mortar will make Town Hall level 8 bases and above even stronger. They can be combined to make a square, diamond or rectangle and cover almost every corner of the base.
  • New defense or troop - the new addition will make or push the game developers to create new defense buildings or troop. In the current update the added a lot of defense improvement the 4th Mortar and Skeleton Traps so obviously it's time that in the next update there will be added a Cannon, Archer Tower, Wizard Tower or a new defense buildings. The same thing with troops, all these new defenses will make the developers to create new troops to handle the defense, or at least that's what is think.
  • Challenging game - this addition will make the game more challenging and will push players to use better troops and improve their army/strategies when attacking. Also if you are a hardcore gamer  that you'll love more challenge in game, right.

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