Showing posts with label February 2015 Update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label February 2015 Update. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

February 2015 update finally here!!

February 2015 update finally here!!

Hey there clashers, as you all may know the latest update was released yesterday, with some interesting new features. Read all that's new below.

New features

Clan experience levels:
- Level up your clan by earning Clan XP in wars.
- Clan badges now have banners that show a clan's level.
- Clan levels grant perks, prestige and fancier badges and banners.

Gameplay balancing and new upgrades: 
- Cannon level 13.
- Healers no onger trigger air traps.
- Clan Castle troop deployment is no longer prevented by tapping on obstacles.

Clan Wars opt-in/opt-out 
- Clan leaders can now pick exactly who to take to every war.
- New profile setting shows your clan mates if you want to go to war.
- Choose big or small wars, but larger wars are worth more Ckan XP.

Clan perks
- Request troops more often and donate more troops at a time.
- Get refunds and automatic upgrades on donated troops.
- Increase your Clan War loot bonus and store more in your Clan Castle.
- Clan perks unlock automatically and improve as your clan levels up.

Clan badge editor
- Craft a clan badge with your choice of pattern, background, and border.
- Level up your clan to unlock special borders for your clan badge.

Three ways to get Clan XP in Clan Wars
- Get small amounts of aclan XP for defeating enemy war bases.
- Get larger amounts of Clan XP for accumulating enough stars during war.
- Get a huge Clan XP bonus for winning the war.

That's all for now. Comment below and let us know what you think of the update. Make sure to check out our other posts such as war bases and farming guides. Until next time, CJ.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sneak Peak #3 Clan War Opt In/Out February Update 2015

Clash of Clans just released the 3-rd sneak peak today. After two previous sneak peaks Custom Clan Badges and Cannon level 13 we have now the option to get or remove yourself from clan war. So if you aren't active for the week that you can Opt Out yourself and you won't be in the clan war.

This is a lifesaving feature because now you don't have to suffer or kick someone who is not active, they can just remove them self's from clan war and that's it.

Here is a video from Chief Pat that explains more about this feature :

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Sneak Peak #2 Costum Clan Badges February 2015 Update

Sneak Peak #2 it's here, new clan badges. This is a very interesting sneak peak because with this you can customize your own clan logo or even upgrade and buy new logos. This looks like the sneak peak leaked from iTunes it's real, but we don't know for sure.

Another exclusive sneak peak info : Clan Castle troops can now be deployed even over decorations or obstacles.

Visit us again for more daily Clash of Clans new.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Sneak Peak Cannon Level 13 February 2015 Update

It's officially confirmed that the update will come next week. First Sneak Peak was released from Clash of Clans fan page on Facebook. New level for Cannons, well this sounds like the February Leaked Update List which was leaked it's real ?

Here is a fan based image of what the cannon will look like :

More Sneak Peaks are comming in the following days, so visit us again for more news. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

February 2015 Update Leaked

After the recent Barbarian and Dragon event which ended today, there is a image of so called the list of the features and things that are going to be added on the upcoming update. The leaked update is similar to the update that got leaked in December 2014. Below you can see the image with the upcoming update list :

Not there are rumors everywhere wether is this real or fake. So below we are going to make logic reasons why this might be real and why fake.

Real Leaked Update List :

  • It looks just like a normal upcoming update list
  • It has some real reasonable changes and updates
  • It was posted on Reddit like the last time
  • It has included somethings that have been rumored to be added
Fake Leaked Update List :

  • How is it possible for the SuperCell moderators that they can't keep a list secret two times in a row
  • It has somethings that don't sound so true
  • Lower wall prices which seem a bit unreal
  • In some aspects it look a bit photoshoped

What can we say about it, let's wait a few more day till the sneak peaks come out then we can prove if it's real or fake. Until then visit us again for more news and guides.