Showing posts with label Clash of Clans Update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clash of Clans Update. Show all posts

Thursday, February 5, 2015

February 2015 Update Leaked

After the recent Barbarian and Dragon event which ended today, there is a image of so called the list of the features and things that are going to be added on the upcoming update. The leaked update is similar to the update that got leaked in December 2014. Below you can see the image with the upcoming update list :

Not there are rumors everywhere wether is this real or fake. So below we are going to make logic reasons why this might be real and why fake.

Real Leaked Update List :

  • It looks just like a normal upcoming update list
  • It has some real reasonable changes and updates
  • It was posted on Reddit like the last time
  • It has included somethings that have been rumored to be added
Fake Leaked Update List :

  • How is it possible for the SuperCell moderators that they can't keep a list secret two times in a row
  • It has somethings that don't sound so true
  • Lower wall prices which seem a bit unreal
  • In some aspects it look a bit photoshoped

What can we say about it, let's wait a few more day till the sneak peaks come out then we can prove if it's real or fake. Until then visit us again for more news and guides.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Everything about Christmass Tree 2014

Few days after the Clash of Clans 2014 Update went live many clashers started asking about Christmas Tree. Some of them wanted to know how it spawns, some of them wanted to know what reward does it give and some wanted to know why they haven't got one yet.

So i made a list with things you need to know about the Christmas Tree :

  • It spawns randomly, so you can't force one to spawn or you can't know the time it spawns.
  • There is no limit on how much Christmas Trees can you get.
  • Christmas Tree can spawn right next to a building.
  • Christmas Tree spawn a gift near itself every 24 hours and can spawn up to 5 gifts.
  • Every gift gives you about 5000 elixir.
  • This tree will not spawn if you are looking at your village, you must be either attacking/scouting or offline.

Hope you have enough information about the Christmass Tree, hopefully you have got one until now. If you have any question or information then please leave a reply below.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Archer Tower shoots x2 faster Christmas 2014 Update

Next Sneak Peak released by SuperCell after the two previous one Christmas Update 2014 Sneak Peak 1 and Sneak Peak 2 Gold Mine and Elixir Collectors level 12 is really exciting, they made Archer Tower shoot twice faster as the regular speed but half a damage per shoot, so if the Damage per Second is 52 then in one second it will shoot two arrows but with damage 26 for one. 

Archer Tower shooting 2 arrow in 1 second

Will this affect the game ?

After this news release a lot of people started to wonder if this will make Archer Towers like X-bows or will make them more powerful. The answer is no in Archer Towers from level 1 to at least 9 and yes in Archer Towers from level 10 to 13. Easiest way to explain this is to use Archers as example.

Will not affect the game in Town Hall from level 8 and below because :
In low-mid level Archer Towers like 1 to 9 this makes no difference because if a level 5 Archer has 40 hit points than it will take two "one second" shoots to take her down.

Will affect the game in Town Hall from level 9 and above because :
But in higher level Archer Tower like 10 to 13 when a level 5 Archer has 40 hit points and a level 12 Archer Tower has 86 damage per second then two "one second" shoots will take down 2 Archers level 5 .

Below you have video from Clash of Clans Attack who explains Archer Tower improvements in a more detailed guides with some footage and examples. Visit us again for more news about Christmas 2014 Update. Enjoy

Mines/Collectors Level 12 Christmas Update Sneak Peak 2

After the first Sneak Peak Christmas Update 2014 First Sneak Peak SuperCell announced a new Sneak Peak which is new level for both Gold Mines and Elixir Collectors. These collectors can be upgraded to level 12 if you are Town Hall level 8 and above. SuperCell announced this update to be as an improvement on finding more loot on multiplayer attacks more specifically to retain more elixir and gold on mid-level battles (Town Hall 7 to 9).

Level 12 Gold Mines and Elixir Collectors

Here is a video from Simon Tray who explains more about Christmas 2014 Update in general and from Gold Mine and Elixir Collectors in more details. Visit us again for more videos and updates about Clash of Clans. Enjoy

Monday, December 8, 2014

Christmas Update 2014 Sneak Peak 1 (VIDEO)

As everyone else I'm excited and waiting for the Christmas Update 2014. Many features are believed to be added along with some usual one like snow and Christmas Trees. A hour ago Clash of Clans shared maybe the first sneak peak of this update.

Christmas Update 2014 Sneak Peak 1

For some one who plays this game for more than a year this might not be a surprise but for "younger" players it is. We are talking about a tree called Christmas Tree which will be decorated with light that blink and it look almost the same like the Christmas 2012 Update tree. These trees give gift which spawn at a rate believed to be 1 for a day and when removed these gifts give us 5000 elixir.
Below you can find a video from Daddy showing how it looks and what it does.

Nice video from Dadday, hope you enjoyed and please visit us more these days to find the latest updates and sneak peaks about the Christmas 2014 Update.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

What to expect December 2014 Clash of Clans Update

So Christmas and New Year are close and as usual Clash of Clans will certainly release a new update as a gift to us for these event's. After the Halloween Update which brought us alot of new things like Skeleton Trap and 4 Mortar, my opinion is that this update will be a small one. 

December 2013 Update : 

Santa Strike Trap which when was activated, Santa appeared flying with his sled and threw presents that exploded when they hit the ground.

December 2012 Update :

In this update Xmas Tree was presented which gave players 50,000 Gold when removed. Also Multi-Target Mode was presented for Inferno Towers, PEKKA got more health etc.

So what to expect from December 2014 Update 

Few things that we might expect are :

  • Winter Theme will be added. This theme make snow fall down and covers buildings & obstacles with snow a little bit.
  • New obstacles like Xmas Tree and Gifts might be added to give us some extra resources.
  • New bomb or trap like Santa Strike.
  • New spells like in December 2012 update, Santa Surprise.

If you have any idea what might be added or what should they add please comment  below, i'll be glad to read them. Visit us again and play Clash of Clans.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Skeleton Trap - October 2014 Update

After the Halloween Update that was released todat among the new features and improvments there were was added a new trap, Skeleton Trap. This trap is becuase of the Halloween Weekend but it's confirmed that it's a permanent addtition and will be avaliable even after the Halloween.

For a detailed guide about the Clash of Clans Update check : October 2014 Full Features and Addition List

                                            Level 1 & 2                                      Level 3

 Information and Summary :

  • Skeleton Traps are coffins that take up 1x1 space. They remain hidden until attacking troop enter in it's radius.
  • When attacking troop enter it's radius the coffin raises from the groud and a groups of Skeletons raise from the ground around it, to attack nearby troops.
  • They can be set to attack Ground or Air troops.
  • The number of Skeletons that raise up depends on the level of the Trap. (check the list below)

Upgrading Information :

              Spawned Units          Upgrade Cost   Rearm Cost  Upgrade Time   Town Hall 

Level 1       2                        6,000        6,000       Instant         8
Level 2       3                      600,000        8,000       6 hours 8
Level 3       4                     1,300,000      10,000       1 day   9

So hope you love the Skeleton Trap addition, feel free to comment below anything you want or if you have a question about it.  New guides comming soon.

For a detailed guide about the Clash of Clans Update check : October 2014 Full Features and Addition List